Spells and Blessings 

House Blessing

Invite Happiness into your home with a House Blessing

Cast this spell if you're looking to energetically cleanse your home with the blessings of Goddess Hestia, the Greek Goddess of domestic situations, bringing harmony to families and creating contentment in the home. 


7 pastel candles: white, pink, pale blue, green, lavender, yellow, and orange ~  7 candleholders ~ 7 (54-inch) lengths of ribbon in corresponding colors to the candles. 


Braid the ribbons together, then lay the braid on your altar (table) in the shape of a circle with both ends overlapping. Place the candles in their holders. Position them inside the circle and light them. Let the candles burn for a few minutes. Then, take each candle and carefully drip a blob of wax on the overlapping ends of the braid to seal the magick while reciting this spell 12 times: 

"Encircle this home with all that is dear, 

Bless this house and all who dwell here, 

I summon your power to rest in these walls, 

Goddess Hestia, hear my calls."

Let the candles burn down. Later, take the ribbon braid and place it near, or on, a windowsill. The magickal forces will continue to work as the sunshine and moonlight fill your home.