Magical Self-Care

Walking Meditation

This is a great technique to use outdoors. It also incorporates exercise and being in fresh air, both are valuable additions to your self-care regime. 

Choose a path, any path that draws you in. Before you begin, close your eyes and center and ground yourself. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, feel the ground under your feet. Note how your clothing feels against your skin. Inhale and observe how the outdoor air feels as it flows into your lungs. Exhale and release any tension in your body. Repeat this process twice and then begin your walk.

Begin to walk, without judgment, note how your body feels as you move. Observe the things you pass; don't think about them, just note them and let them go. 

The point of the exercise is to be in the moment. This allows you to work on acceptance-of the self and what is going on in your environment independent of you.